MHS Theatre Productions

Fall 2019


Sept 12 - 7pm in the Performing Arts Center

Oct 3 - 7pm in the Performing Arts Center

A cross section of Fine-Art students perform in a series of music, dance, scenes, monologues and the kitchen sink in an evening of joyous entertainment. Join us in this fund-raising showcase of fun.


Sept 18-19 - 7pm in the Performing Arts Center

Performances feature work from Theatre-Beginning and Theatre-Intermediate Classes and is commensurate to our Band or Chorus concerts.


Sept 25-27 - 10:45-11:50am in the Performing Arts Center

The Theatre-Honors class will be presenting an interactive program designed for grades K-2.


Theatre-Honors class project

Oct 24. Thur - NCTC Public Performance #1 at 6pm - PAC

Nov 1-2. Fri/Sat - Host school for NCTC festival

Nov 6. Wed - NCTC Performance #2 at 6pm - PAC

Nov 8-9. Fri/Sat - NCTC Festival (Competition) @ Rocky River HS

(Nov 21-22 Thur/Fri) - NCTC- State Tournament @ Greensboro College

November 23 - College Discovery Day @ Greensboro College

Our submissions for NCTC are:

  • Miss Beth - A one-act with a passing resemblance to a certain, unspeakable Shakespearean play (it's okay, it's public domain) by Don Zolidis.

Beth is pretty, popular, a valued member of the Sub-Regional Champion competitive cheer squad, and relatively happy with her life. But when a late-night Ouija board session proclaims that she will become assistant cheer captain, an unexpected and ridiculous series of supernatural events are triggered. As Beth's thirst for power grows, her moral compass goes into a tailspin -- and her popularity-hungry mom and best friend aren't helping. A campy, female-centered, modernized version of Shakespeare's dark classic Macbeth as told through the eyes of a competition cheer squad.

  • Her Story - by MIchael Norman Mann

High school students Mike and Shelly are breaking up. Later, Shelly sees Mike at a party with his new girlfriend and between her depression and a few too many drinks, allows herself to be coaxed outside by an unscrupulous guy. Things go too far in the bushes and Shelly is date-raped. When she returns to school on Monday, she has a reputation and school officials want to get to the bottom of the rumors they have heard. With characters immediate and believable, this play is powerful, timely and significant.

Our submissions for NCTC deal with sensitive subject matter and are not suitable for children. Parental guidance is advised.

November TBA - Musical Auditions

Auditions open to all MHS students, staff, admin, etc

December 11-12 - Directing projects - 4th Block performances in the Black Box

Honors class project on Diversity and Inclusion

Spring 2020

February 4 - Honors class auditions (for 2020-2021)


Feb 12-13 - 7pm in the Performing Arts Center

Performances feature work from Theatre-Beginning and Theatre-Intermediate Classes and is commensurate to our Band or Chorus concerts.


Tuck Everlasting

What would you do if you had all eternity? Eleven-year-old Winnie Foster yearns for a life of adventure beyond her white picket fence, but not until she becomes unexpectedly entwined with the Tuck Family does she get more than she could have imagined. When Winnie learns of the magic behind the Tuck’s unending youth, she must fight to protect their secret from those who would do anything for a chance at eternal life. As her adventure unfolds, Winnie faces an extraordinary choice: return to her life, or continue with the Tucks on their infinite journey.

Feb 27-29 - 7pm in the Performing Arts Center

Mar 1 - 2pm in the Performing Arts Center

Variety Showcase

Apr 9- 7pm in the Performing Arts Center

CANCELLED - Covid 19 Pandemic

Honors class performance

Apr 16-17 - 7pm in the Performing Arts Center

CANCELLED - Covid 19 Pandemic